My name is Köteles Ferenc (surname is the first part in Hungarian), i was born in 1969, in Budapest, Hungary. I took a master's degree on biology in 1995 and a second one in psychology in 2007. My current workplace is the Institute for Health Promotion and Sport Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
My "career" as semiprofessional photographer began in the second half of 1980s. First I started taking slides using a 6x6 Pentacon Six, then I used 35mm Praktica cameras with matching great prime lenses. In 2003 I gave a try with a bridge-level Minolta digital camera (Dimage5), and experiencing the already great results I jumped ship to the digital world (See the About the pictures page for more details the equipment used.)
They say there are two kinds of photographers: one has artistic intentions, and the other "only" wants to document. Being a botanist I definitely belong to the second group: my aim is to show plant species in their own habitat, while emphasizing their important identifying features to the extent possible.